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Cherry Tree Primary School

Caring, thriving, preparing, succeeding.

Contact Us

Year 5

Welcome to the Year 5 page!

Here you will find information about our curriculum, any important notices and links to useful activities/websites.


Please speak to us if you have any questions.


Mr. Kiddie and Miss Chidlow


Additional activities:


1. Write an alternative ending to a familiar fairy tale.  Remember to identify the fairy tale you are using.


2. Write a book review on your current reading book or a book you have read recently.  Would you recommend it to a friend or not?  If not, why not?


3. Practise your spellings and/or tricky words. (Remember you can use Spelling Shed to help you.)


4. Practise your number bonds and/or times tables.  (Remember to use Times Table Rock Stars.)


5. Ask an adult to help you do an experiment from any of the recent Learning Together Sheets on the Home Learning section of our website.



Regular Home Learning Activities




Spelling Shed


Please log-in and practice your spellings by playing a range of spelling games.


Reading Books


Please read your reading book each day.







Please log-in to mathletics to complete activities based on our learning in class. You may also take part in Maths Live to play against children around the world.


TT Rockstars


Please log-in to TT Rockstars each day to practice your times tables. You can also play against children around the world.





Year 5 Food Tasting