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Cherry Tree Primary School

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Eco School news and events

Our Eco - Councillors


Year 2: Ezra, Farida

Year 3: Esme, George

Year 4: Amelia, Ella-Mai

Year 5: Elijah, Teddy

Year 6: David, Max


Eco-council is supported by Mrs. Pira



Update April 2023


At the start of this term and with the lapse of over night frosts, we pleased to announce that we have planted our first batch of trees.  This will now be an ongoing project for the next two-three trees ensuring that we are vigilant in the weeding of the saplings and making sure that they are not  in-crouched upon-within a circumference of one-metre.   


We owe a great deal of thanks and gratitude  to Mr Ingledew (Site Manager) for all of his assistance with the planting.   


Well done

to the Eco-Councillors!

Canopy Tree Planting

Update February 2023


Throughout this term we have continued to focus on saving energy and have been monitoring the outside areas for rubbish - sadly we have to report that we have noticed and increase of waste on the playgrounds and Key Stage 2 field.  As as result of this, we have scheduled bi-weekly litter picks to help eliminate the issue.


Also, during this half term, we prepared a presentation for SLT to identify and highlight what natural  insects and birds we see on our grounds and how we could attract more wildlife we carefully chosen placements of our canopy trees.

Litter Pickers

Litter Picks

Update November 2022


This half term we have focused our efforts on recycling in the school and are pleased to recognise the efforts of the school community in actively recycling in classes and reprographic areas.  The school also has a battery recycling box that can be used by the whole school community and we are actively asking you to donate your used batteries.  This will further support our continued recycling efforts.


We are also pleased to announce that we had a successful application with the Queen's Canopy, to say our bid was successful in applying for hedge and canopy trees.  Our hedge tress will be planted along the fence of the Key Stage 1 fence that will provide habitats for natural wildlife and in time, shelter for our children from the sun's rays. These will be delivered in Spring 2, ready for planting in Summer 1, once the frosts seize.   


Coinciding with Switch off Fortnight, the Eco-Council have ensured that classrooms have switched off all lights, interactive boards and any other electronics in order to reduce carbon emissions, electricity bills and wastage in classrooms.  This has been at the forefront of our thinking, especially when classrooms are not in use during long periods of emptiness: assembly times, social times and during Physical Education lessons.  

October 2022


After completing an environmental review, the Eco- Council identified three areas that the school needs to continue to improve. These three areas are:


· Energy - we need to reduce the amount of electricity we are using.

· Healthy Living - we need to focus on creating and maintaining a healthy body and mind.

· Recycling - we noticed around the school, where more recycling could be done.


Over this academic year, we will be working on these topics to make our school more environmentally friendly.


If you want any more information about Eco-Schools, please visit There is plenty of useful information on their website about how you can help us.