Practice the ea join. On paper, practice your handwriting joining these two letters up. Complete 15 of these.
Yesterday we looked at the /air/ sound being spelt 'ere'. Today we are going to use the same sound /air/ but it will be spelt with 'ear'. You may have came up with some words that had this ending when I asked for rhyming words.
Read these:
wearing, tear, pear, bear, swear. footwear
Spell these words and create a sentence using 1 or more words from above.
Watch the clip for the designated amount of time. Then follow my sentence instructions and write 3 sentences for each point in the story.
Sentence 1: Action sentence
This could be from the truck or the tree.
Sentence 2: Noticing sentence
This means looking, describing what you can see in detail using adjectives.
Sentence 3: Imagining sentence
Write a sentence as if you were the 1st tree imagining what to say to the other tree.
Sentence 1: Smelling Sentence
Write about how the flower smelt.
Sentence 2: Adverb sentence
(slowly, quickly, magically, quietly, smoothly, calmly, softly)
Sentence 3: Feelings sentence
This could be how the trees are feeling watch the 2 humans.
We will be focusing on measurement. Remember how much cm and mm are worth.
1cm = 10mm
10cm = 100mm
Today you need to use the language:
shorter than..
longer than..
same as....
Fill in the blanks
25cm___________ 22cm
23mm__________ 20cm
2cm___________ 2.5mm
30mm__________ 5cm
4cm___________ 12mm
1m________ 1cm
2m_________ 20cm
What do you know about cars?
Discuss this with an adult, this could be the colours, model, types, what they do, where their made etc.
When do you think the 1st car was invented?
Then have a look at the PowerPoint below and look through the cars through history.
Challenge 1 - Label the key differences of the past and present cars
Challenge 2 - Identify similarities and differences and write sentences about the past/present cars.