Other Subjects
Read the PowerPoint titled: "E-Safety" to learn how to keep yourself safe online. When your are more familiar with keeping yourself safe, design a poster to help keep other children safe based on what you have learnt.
Use the website above to research the life cycle of flowering plants.
Now, draw your own life cycle for a plant of your choice. Remember to include all of the new vocabulary you have learnt.
In PSHE this week, we have been learning about Democracy.
Please open the Powerpoint 'What is Democracy' to find out more information about it.
Open the worksheet 'elements of a democracy' and organise the cards into 'Basic Principles of Democracy' and 'Fake Principles of Democracy'
PE (up to twice per week)
This week we are continuing our "Circuit Training".
Warm up by completing the following stretches:
- Quadriceps stretch
- Hamstring stretch
- Triceps stretch
- Shoulder Stretch
Complete the following exercises for 1 minute each:
- Spotty dogs
- Plank
- Skipping (on the spot)
- Burpees
- Running Squats
- Rest for 1 minute
If you are unsure what each of these activities are, see the included document called "PE"
Keep up to date with what is happening around the world here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround