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Cherry Tree Primary School

Caring, thriving, preparing, succeeding.

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Nursery Busy Bees

Early Years Curriculum Statement

What is a Key person at Cherry Tree Nursery 

Phonics - Little Wandle 

Cherry Tree Primary School and Nursery has adopted the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds revised systematic synthetic programme to support your children's learning.


Follow the link below to find information and resources that will help you to support your child's phonic journey. Children in Nursery are following 'Little Wandle Foundations'


Home - School Diaries

Our Home- School Diaries are sent home every Friday and should be returned the following Wednesday . Each entry will consist of a message from the Nursery Manager ,what we have been learning this week, what we will be learning next week and how you can support learning at home. We will also provide a rhyme of the week for you to share with your child . Nursery rhymes play an important role in early childhood development and education. Nursery rhymes support vocabulary and language development . Help to develop literacy skills and provide a fun way to support early numeracy skills.


Please find digital copies of our rhyme of the week below


Rhyme of the Week Autumn 2

Rhyme of the Week Autumn 1 

Road Safety Week 

Useful Links For Parents