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Cherry Tree Primary School

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Year 3

Summer One Homework

Rock Star Times Tables!

Please don't forget to log on and play rock star times tables. There is a battle against Year 3 Green and 3 Blue!

Homework Heroes- make a desert island

Today, Year 3 were visited by a Seaside Giant who we have been learning about. We have read a non- chronological report on them so we were able to ask him some questions. He gave us some very good answers that helped us learn more about them and where they live, what they eat and what kind of magical wishes they can grant!  

Seaside Giant

Please check here regularly for reminders, updates, curriculum information and photos.

To help with our spellings, Spelling Frame is a free resource to use at home. It has lots of games and ways to practise the different spelling patterns we have been learning.


To help us learn and practise our times tables, the game hit the button gives us quick fire questions. This is a free resource to use at home. You can access this by searching hit the button in Google.

Learning in Year 3

Home Learning