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Cherry Tree Primary School

Caring, thriving, preparing, succeeding.

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Wb 17.5.21

WB 4.5.21

Week beginning - 7.12.20

Week beginning 30.11.20

Week beginning 23.11.20

Week beginning 16.11.20

Week beginning 9.11.20

Week beginning 2.11.20

Week Beginning 19.10.20

Week beginning 12.10.20

Week beginning 5.10.20
Week beginning 28.09.2020
Week beginning 21.09.2020

Watch the relevant clip to learn about recognising the place value of each digit in a 4-digit number:


Watch the relevant clip to learn about ordering and comparing numbers beyond 1000:


Watch the relevant clip to learn about ordering and comparing a set of numbers beyond 1000:


Watch the relevant clip to learn about finding 10, 100 or 1000 more than a given number:


Watch the relevant clip to learn about finding 10, 100 or 1000 less than a given number: