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Cherry Tree Primary School

Caring, thriving, preparing, succeeding.

Contact Us

News and Letters

Year 5 Design & Technology

Year 1 Bonfire Night Experience

Year 4 British Museum

Sublime Science Workshop

Year 6 Tate Modern

Year 5 Swimming September 24

Infant Music Festival

Wise up Year 4

Wise Up Year 3

Year 4 Experience 'Wise Up'

Reception Gemma's Farm

Year 3 There's A Sunflower In My Supper

Year 6 Swimming Summer 24

Year 2 RAF Museum

Essex ActivAte - Easter Holidays Activity Clubs for Children

Hedgehogs - Mistley Woods

Rabbits - Mistley Woods

Year 6 Virtual Reality Workshop

Year 5 Virtual Reality Workshop

Year 4 Virtual Reality Workshop

Year 5 Royal Opera House

Year 2 National Gallery

Roald Dahl Day -13th September 2023

Welcome back! Information re electrical works, RAAC, forthcoming road closure etc.

End of year newsletter (2022-2023)

Former member of staff

Cherry Tree Art

Invite to AGM - Cherry Tree Family Association

Invite to Coronation Day

Schools Fruit and Vegetable Scheme

YEAR 6 Final week of term arrangements

Bicycles and scooters


Home Learning guidance

Letter from Essex Police re concerns about people acting suspiciously around children.

Adverse Weather - unexpected school closure

IMPORTANT INFORMATION - how to access information

Lost or damaged reading/library books and home school reading diaries