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Cherry Tree Primary School

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Year 4

Home Learning Resources

We are uploading activities organised into the days above. We really do hope that you and your families are all keeping safe and looking after one another. We can't wait to have you back in your classrooms together again, once we are able to. Meanwhile, please keep sending us examples of your work or what you have been getting up to. We would love to hear from you. Our year group email is:


Some websites that we may refer to for certain activities are below. 

Classroom Secrets

You will need to login as instructed below. Once logged in, please hover over the 'Year 4' tab and select from the relevant options below.

The Literacy Shed (you will not need to sign up or sign in)


#ThisIsPE -

Short two-minute videos are being posted that show parents free, fun and easy to follow PE activities for the whole family to enjoy together. There are many activities already available, but new videos are posted on YouTube at 1pm on every MondayWednesday and Friday.  You don’t need to be in PE kit and you don’t need any sports equipment. All of the videos use things that you can usually find around the home and have ideas at the end for how to simplify the activity or make it more challenging, depending on your child’s needs. Let’s get moving! J

Learning safely at home.

Useful Websites for Home Learning

Times tables Rock Stars -

This is a great website for practising times tables and related division facts. You can set up battles, challenge friends and even challenge some of the teachers!

Phonics Play -

This website is used regularly in school phonics lessons and is now free to access at home while schools are closed, using the login details provided on the homepage when you enter the site.

Purple Mash

Oxford Owl

Magic Keys 

Maths Shed


National literacy trust - family zone.

Other activities:


STEM Challenges (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) (supporting resources are included below)

This website has a wealth of activities and investigations that can be done at home. Our favourites are: Float a superhero, baking soda powered boat and gummy bear science experiment (could use any gummy sweets). 

Wonderful Wormery

Use the supporting resources below to create your very own wormery. You can observe them over time afterwards to see how they move and survive. We would love to see some pictures if you make one!

Construct a Bridge

Begin by researching famous bridges around the world-can you use their shapes and designs to inspire your design? Perhaps you think that you could design something even better! Then use the supporting materials to build and test your own.

Area of a Leaf

Collect leaves from your garden or on your daily outdoor exercise. Use the materials to help you find the area of them. Research the leaves of a Raffia Palm and Amazonian Water Lily then compare them to the ones you found. Could you also create a piece of artwork using the leaves gathered?

Rock museum

Can you make a rock museum with rocks you can find in your garden? Collect some when you go on for your daily excercise. How would you organise them? What would you show people first? Why?

Fill it

Find a box. It can be any size or shape. Fill it with any objects that you like. Compare the size taken up by these objects. Why do you need less of some objects and more of others. 

Ice building

What can you build using nothing but ice cubes? Consider different things you could create. Can you make a fairy house?

Egg Box garden

Can you make a garden out of an egg box? Fill each section with soil and plant something different in each. Track the growth over a few days. Which grows the fastest? Why do you think that is? 

Lego Calendar

Use the calendar below to inspire your Lego creations. Perhaps you would like to set your own challenge for your friends in class? Email your ideas to us and we will include them here for everyone to try!

Rocking Rollercoaster (supporting materials below)

Who hasn't always wanted to have their very own theme park? Well here is your chance to design a rollercoaster yourself. Use the supporting materials to help you plan, build and test your ideas. Be creative with the materials you use-some ideas could be Lego, K'Nex, recycling materials or even natural objects such as sticks and rocks. It could be interesting to ask members of your family join in and see who can engineer the best creation!



Thinking Outside of the Box (supporting materials below)

Use these resources to develop your thinking skills. Try to discuss your thoughts and ideas with someone else, if you can. Remember, there can often be more than one answer.

Art Outdoors (supporting resources below)

These activities could take place in your garden, balcony or on your Be as creative as you can and don't forget to send in some photographs of your wonderful creations!

Footprint fun

What artwork can you make using different footprints? Consider the different shoes you have and the different prints that they will leave.