With all that is in the news at the moment, it is very likely that we would have had conversations in class about racism and what we can do to stop it and/or report it. We would like you to research and design a poster or information leaflet on creating an anti-racist school.
Scenario cards and things to consider.
01.06.20 Lesson 3.
This activity ask you to think back on your last year. Think of the highlights and your best achievements. I'd also like you to think about what you are looking forward to in Year 7.
Moving on activity
PSHE: Lesson 2. 24.02.20.
The Bitesize link is all about Secondary School Transition. Normally this term would be our focus on Secondary schools and your teachers would be answering many questions for you. During these uncertain times, there are questions we don't yet know the answers to but there are some we can answer. Watch the link all about transition on the BBC website and then think about the questions you have. Are there any your parents can answer, any you think we could answer? Email them to us and we will respond as best as we can. We know this is not the start to Summer term that you deserve but we are here for you still...always.
Mrs Green and Mrs Harvey.
At the start of Spring term, we looked at setting ourselves a goal to achieve by the end of the school year. This has been impacted by the time we are not in school, so we challenge the children to create a new goal. One that is achievable by July. It could be learning a new hobby or learning to cook, it could be completing 70 keepy uppies or exercising 30 mins every day, it could be to read 10 new books or to go 5 days without playing a game on your favourite console... whatever you goal is, myself and Mrs Harvey would love to hear about them.
Remember goals should be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound (so no setting yourself the target of sleeping for 18 hours a day). We can't wait to hear what they are.