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Cherry Tree Primary School

Caring, thriving, preparing, succeeding.

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Home Learning

To help them keep up with their learning in school, we recommend that children do the following things at home:


  • Read with an adult every day for at least 10mins and discuss the text they are reading.
  • Practise spellings as often as possible.
  • Practise number bonds as often as possible.
  • Practise multiplication table (times tables) as often as possible.


As a school, we subscribe to Spelling Shed and Times Tables Rock Stars to support children in practising their spellings and recall of multiplication facts. Children in Y1-6 have logins/passwords in their reading diaries for these websites. If your child does not yet have a login, please notify their class teacher.


We also subscribe to Picture News, an organisation that looks at current news articles and pitches them at an age-appropriate level for Primary children. Each week, they also produce a version for children to explore and discuss at home, which can be found on this link: Picture News.


If you are looking for additional learning activities, there are a number of workbooks you can purchase from shops/online retailers and our Year Group Pages often suggest useful websites you can visit with your child.