Easter Holidays
Over the Easter holidays, work through the White rose activities to support your learning and don't forget to have fun and eat lots of chocolate
Happy Easter!!!
3.4.20 - link on to the links below and complete the questions. these are all on line questions for you to complete.
2.4.20 - Complete the Test Base questions and don't forget to show your workings. Make sure you complete the questions before self marking.
1.4.20 Happy April Fools Day! How many tricks are you going to play on people today?
In maths today we are going to revise long division and multiplication. Go through the steps we covered in class and try to answer as many as possible before checking the answers.
31.3.20 - Today's Maths focus is worded problems using 2 of the four operations. Which 2 are they? Remember to use RUCSAC to help you solve the questions. There are 4 challenge levels - choose your level or do all four up to you! In addition to these you can make up 3 of your own and we will add them to this weeks work so others can try and solve them. Have fun and stay safe

Mrs Harvey and Mrs Green
Click on the links and files below to carry out some additional maths revision.