Year 4
Welcome to the Year 4 page!
As well as photos of the children's learning, please find below book recommendations, times tables songs and a curriculum map for the coming term.
Thank you
Mrs. Glasswell & Miss Baker
Learning Activities for Strike Days (5th and 7th July)
Additional activities:
1. Write a diary entry about a person or place you have visited recently.
2. Write a book review on your current reading book or a book you have read recently. Would you recommend it to a friend or not? If not, why not?
3. Practice your spellings and/or tricky words. (Remember you can use Spelling Shed to help you.)
4. Practice your number bonds and/or times tables. (Remember to use Times Table Rock Stars.)
5. Ask an adult to help you do an experiment from any of the recent Learning Together Sheets on the Home Learning section of our website.
Celebrating the Coronation!
If I were a king for the day....

Books of the Month
Remember to play TTRS each day for 5 minutes to become a rock legend! Battle it out against your classmates and see which class will be victorious. Good Luck!
If you need your login details, they are in you reading record. If you need new login details - let your teacher know. They will be happy to help!