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Cherry Tree Primary School

Caring, thriving, preparing, succeeding.

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Wb 17.5.21

Wb beginning - 8.3.21

Week beginning -7.12.20

Week beginning - 30.11.20

Week beginning 16.11.20

Week beginning 2.11.20

Week Beginning 19.10.20

Week beginning 12.10.20

Week beginning 5.10.20

Black History Month 


October is the month that we celebrate Black History. 

There are a range of ideas, songs and activities to complete.

Week beginning 28.9.2020

Watch this virtual assembly about a current news feature and interact with the questions/activities:

Head over to our Picture News page for a talk and note activity based on a current news feature:

Choose a PE activity to keep physically active at home:

These play-along games, inspired by your favourite Disney and Pixar characters, are 10-minute bursts of fun that will really get you moving and count towards your daily exercise: