Nursery Busy Bees
Remember there is LIVE learning happening everyday on Microsoft Teams. This will continue 3 times a day, Monday to Friday until the February half-term. Below is the timetable:
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
9.40 am Story Time
9.40 am Story Time |
9.40 am Story Time |
9.40 am Story Time |
9.40 am Story Time |
11 am Number session
11 am Number session
11 am Number session
11 am Number session
11 am Number session
1.40pm Phonics and Story Time
1.40pm Phonics and Story Time
1.40pm Phonics and Story Time
1.40pm Phonics and Story Time
1.40pm Phonics and Story Time
Screen time health advice:
Friday 26th February:
Can you order 3 of the gingerbread men by height – shortest to the tallest? Which one is short? Which one is tall? Which one is the tallest/shortest?
There are other gingerbread men – can you order 3 different men? Can your order 4 men by height?
Or compare and order family members by height/toys.
Guess the animal sound:
Or read an animal story and make the sounds of the animals. Or sing Old MacDonald had a Farm.
Story task:
Make a show of with the puppets you made yesterday – retell the story of The Gingerbread Man.
Thursday 25th February:
Mix up and spread out all the gingerbread men. Can you find all the 2’s? Feed them to the fox!
Try this with each number. If they can recognise the number without counting it is called subitising. By the end of nursery we hope they will be recognising 1-3 things without having to count. This is good practise. If they don’t know the number encourage them to count the buttons – the skill will grow in time and lots of practise.
Or practise this with toy. Lay out 3 and ask how many are there? Try to see if they can do it without counting – arrange them in lines or dice formation this helps visually. Play lots of dice games and practise counting toys regularly if they find this tricky.
Find the items that rhyme with the item in the bowl to make a cake. See Monday for log in details.
Or read a book and find some rhyming words.
Reread story and make stick men puppets. You could stick these on straws/sticks/ wooden skewers/lolly pop sticks.
Wednesday 24th February:
Compare the numbers on the gingerbread men, which one is more/less? Which one has more spots or fewer spots? Are there any that are the same? Could you make one that has the same amount of spots?
Or get two groups off toys and compare which is more and which is less or are they the same amount? Try this with different amounts in each group to practise this skill.
Find the items starting with the same sound:
Or make up silly but kind names for your family using the same initial sound “smiley Sophie”.
Story task:
Reread the story and sequence (order) the gingerbread man on the story man. Can you retell the story?
Tuesday 23rd February
Roll the dice and add that amount of buttons on to the gingerbread man. Try taking away the amounts of dice.
Or play a dice based game.
Reading –
Read/watch/tune into the live at 9.40 to read the children the story ‘Gingerbread man’.
Reread gingerbread man and see if children can pick out the rhyming words.
Instruments/Animal sounds lesson:
Search on youtube: Phase 1 Phonics with Maddison and Felix - Animal Sounds
Can you join in with Teacher Maddison teaching a phase 1 phonics lesson on animal sounds. Fast forward and join in with the games that you did not do last time. There are many games you don’t have to do them all.
Monday 22nd February
Model counting and matching value to numeral.
Or use some number cards/write numbers on separate pieces of paper and choose some toys. Count a small group of toys and find the matching number.
Reading –
Read/watch/tune into the live at 9.40 to read the children the story ‘Gingerbread man’. Tell them there is a special part they need to join in. “Run, run as fast as you can you, you can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man” .
Questions to ask during and after the story:
Why is he running away? Why do you think they could not catch the gingerbread man? What will happen next? Why did the fox help him?
Describe the sounds you can hear when you push on the buttons:
Phonics play log on details for parents during lockdown - Username: jan Password: home
Or go for a walk/in the garden/to the window to describe the sounds you hear.
Other Gingerbread themed activities:
Other ideas below including pencil grip practise, playdough receipe, games, creative projects, nursery rhymes/mark making
PE – Pick an activity out of the PE ideas pack and have fun getting active. Other ideas could include:
Dancing ,
Dough disco (great for fine motor muscles in the hand to develop by manipulating play dough to the music/actions on the video).
Cosmic yoga (yoga aimed at children through the use of stories and movies)
Andy’s Wild Workout (like Joe wicks but aimed at younger children) have also provided some activities for you to watch/explore:
The Chinese New Year theme - All week!
Friday 12th February
Count the pictures and work on your number formation.
Or count some toys and make marks to represent the amount of toys ie dots/lines/circles. Make marks to represent numbers if you want more of a challenge.
Make the sounds on the cards and have fun with sounds – don’t be afraid to sound silly.
Tune into the live story time at 9.40 or watch:
Peppa Pig Chinese New Year -
What was the setting? What did Peppa and her friends do the clean away the old year? Can you name some key events from the story? What did they wear to bring good luck? How could you celebrate at home? Where did they go to have the fireworks?
The Chinese New Year theme - All week
Thursday 11th February
I spy – counting and representing numbers.
Use the checklist sheet to find and count the different items. Extension form the number of items.
Or count your snack/breakfast items/playdough pieces/bricks etc represent these using marks on paper. 3 bricks = 3 dots/lines/marks.
Match the rhyming pairs.These need cutting out first. Encourage them to find the picture with the same word pattern ‘at’ cat –at bat – at. Rhyming words sound similar but not exactly the same.
Watch/tune into live at 9.40:
Mr Men Chinese New Year
Can you remember some of the characters? What were some of the key events that went wrong? Did you notice any on the items given/eaten/put up on Chinese New Year? What did you notice?
The Chinese New Year Theme - All week
Wednesday 10th February
Count the pictures and attempt to write the quantity in number form or by making the same amount of marks/dots.
Or count items round your home/garden and represent these amounts by counting on your fingers how many there are.
Find the items that begin with the initial sound ‘s’.
Watch 'My First Chinese New Year' by Karen Katz
What is similar to your celebrations? What is different? Do you hang decorations for a celebration? Do you each a special/favourite meal?
The Chinese New Year Theme - All week
Tuesday 9th February
Practise your number recognition using the flash cards. After talk about the Chinese version of the number – what is different? Was is the same? How do they make these marks?
Only practise recognising and forming the English form the Chinese ones are just to look at and explore a different culture for Chinese New Year.
Can you make marks to represent 2 i.e. two dots then try to for the number 2
Or find numbers around your home and talk about them i.e. on packing/clocks/toys etc.
Can you find the… Look for the items in the picture. Talk about their initial sound (first sound).
CBeebies - Preparing for Chinese New Year – Let’s Celebrate
What is similar to your celebrations? What is different? Do you hang decorations for a celebration? Do you each a special/favourite meal?
*****Snow!**** Ideas to enjoy learning in the snow and at home on a snowy day. Please send pictures to the EYFS email.
The Chinese New Year theme all week
Monday 8th February - towards the top of the page for ideas to learn in the snow. Or:
Reading/story: This Friday it is Chinese New Year (the year of the Ox) read the story to find out how they created the Zodiac by the animals having a race!
CBeebies | Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year) | Zodiac Story
Race a family member and record who comes 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. This could be running/pushing cars along the floor etc. *Who can throw their snowball the furthest?* Use the numbers in the pack. These are called ‘ordinal numbers’ they describe which position/order you came in. Or make medals from paper to represent how who was 1st, 2nd, 3rd.
Phonics - Odd one out
Talk about the 4 pictures, name them, think about what sound they start with. 3 start with the same sound 1 is the odd one out. Which one is the odd one out?
Other ideas for Chinese New Year - These are in the pack. More ideas below this that are not Chinese New Year themed.
Friday 5th February
Can you make your dream house from your own toys?
Hunt for the pictures that start with ‘s’ and describe them using alliteration ‘sneaky seagull’ – both words start with ‘s’ this is alliteration. Suggestions and items to hunt for are on the instruction cards. This is attached below and in the pack.
Act out the story – don’t forget to add voices for the wolf and pigs!
You could use the finger puppets from the pack - they are attached below
Thursday 4th February
The Three Little Pigs - Counting to 10 sheet. Practise your counting by counting the various pictures. This is in pack or find it attached under Thursday's activities.
Practical ideas are always in bold:
Or take your favourite toys/snacks/book count various groups of items.
Go for a walk and listen for sounds. What can you hear? What do you think it could be?
Reading – The Three Little Pigs theme all week.
Sequence (order) the story using the cards in the pack or talk about the story – What happened about at the beginning? What happened next? etc
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Maths - Repeating patterns. Can you finish the patterns? Scroll down to find the document or use the one in the pack if you have one.
Or use coloured bricks/toys to make a pattern. The pattern could be an alternating colour blue, red, blue, red, blue etc. Use other toys to make a different patterns big/small/big/small etc.
Phonics – Play find the items with the initial sound p. There is an initial sound card and instructions. Scroll down to under this writing to find the documents or if you have a pack it is in there.
Reading – The Three Little Pigs- Use the 'Can you find…' sheet to search for elements of the story in the picture. This should encourage the children to talk about the story, setting and characters to deepen their understanding. Scroll down to under this writing to find the documents or if you have a pack it is in there.
Tuesday 2nd February 2021
Maths - Practise your one more and one less skills to develop the early stages of addition and subtraction and number value. There is a sheet for more and less below. Or can you count a small group of toys and then add one more? How many altogether? Can you find one less by taking one away? How many are left?
Phonics - Watch Maddison and Felix – have fun making voice sounds.
Reading task - Re-read the story of 'The Three Little Pigs'. There is a version of the story underneath Monday's work below. - Who is your favourite character?
Can you draw your favourite character? Or you could draw your house or your dream house!
Other ideas are below for arts crafts/physical ideas/exploration skills. Scroll down to other just below Monday.
Monday 1st February
Maths - Can you make a house from the shapes? (in prior pack or attached below to print).
Phonics - Match the rhyming words. Play rhyming bingo. There are boards with 3 matching rhyming words to find. Each person playing can have one board each. Then at the end of the document there are cards that match to cut up and mix in the middle. Turn them upside down and take it in turns to pick one and see if it matches your board.
Story task: Read/watch/check out the live story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’.
Ask your child:
Who were the characters?
What was the problem?
How did they solve the problem?
The Three Little Pigs audio book - click below to watch and listen

The Three Little Pig's Themed other activities - there are more below. These are available in the packs you can ring and order from the office then collect them.
Friday 22.1.2021
Read/watch - The Hungry Caterpillar
What is your favourite fruit? Have you tried any of these fruits?
Find the items starting with the same sound:
Or make up silly but kind names for your family using the same initial sound “happy hoppy Harley”.
Phonics play log on details for parents during lockdown - Username: jan Password: home
Play a shape sorting game on:
Or play a puzzle at home.
Thursday 21.01.2021
Reading - Read/watch Red Ridinghood This story is broken into parts so you can access the story in smaller but detailed chunks.
Can you join in with teacher Maddison teaching a phase 1 phonics lesson on animal sounds. Join in with the games. There are many games you don’t have to do them all.
Instruments/Animal sounds lesson:
Search on youtube: Phase 1 Phonics with Maddison and Felix - Animal Sounds
Use the shapes below to describe shapes.
Are they round?
Are they straight?
Can you find any of these shapes around the house?
Shapes the same as Tuesdays shapes so no need to reprint.
Wednesday 20.01.2021
Read/Watch - The Three Little Pigs
Guess the animal sound:
Or read an animal story and make the sounds of the animals. Or sing Old MacDonald had a Farm.
Phonics play log on details for parents during lockdown - Username: jan Password: home
Cut around each numicon piece – use these to see if your child can add one more to a number. This shows one more than 7 is 8. Count the circles of 7 then add one more using the orange 1. Count them all to find it makes 8 altogether.
Numicon to print
Tuesday 19.01.2021
Read/Watch - The Gingerbread Man
Re-enact the story.
Find the items that rhyme with the item in the bowl to make a cake. See Monday for log in details.
Or read a book and find some rhyming words.
Phonics play log on details for parents during lockdown - Username: jan Password: home
Below is a document to print and cut around the shapes (this is in the pack available to order from school.
Have fun making pictures using the shapes. Can you make a house… or a robot… so many possibilities! You might find they make a pattern this is also great learning to explore shapes.
Monday 18.01.2021
Read/Watch 'The Three Little Pigs':
Create a house for a soft toy using materials/toys from around your house. Will it stay standing if you blow on it?
Play the game sound starters. Press a button and describe what you think the sound might be. “It could be a… bird. It’s a loud sound. Maybe it’s a bell”. You may come up with more than one answer, there are so many possibilities. Have fun talking about sounds.
Phonics play log on details for parents during lockdown - Username: jan Password: home
Or talk about sounds you can hear around the home throughout the day or even better go in the garden/for a walk to find sounds.
Cut up numicon flash cards and see if your child can recognise the amounts. Focus on 1-5. If they find this easy move on to 1-10.
Count the circles to find the total if unsure – this will get more familiar in time.
Practising our cutting skills

Favourite food week - We chose our favourite filling, described the order of making a sandwich and followed our own instructions, using a butter knife safely too!
Exploring shapes and numbers.

Building using a range of resources.

The busy bees have been getting imaginative in and around nursery.

Exploring the outdoor area
Creative table - We have been exploring paint in a range of ways and collaging this half term.

We have been sharing books with adults, friends and independently!

Mark making!

We have been enjoying exploring the musical instruments and dancing in nursery.

Below are a range of ideas and websites to access to assist you in remote learning. Please pick ideas you feel confident to try and these are ideas to guide you.
- Practise scissors skills to make snow flakes to decorate your window.
- Make marks i.e. draw the weather, family, gift ideas, Christmas decorations, favourite meals the list is endless!
- Count the decorations on the tree i.e. how many blue decorations can you see?
- Watch a couple of Alphablocks episodes
- Read and learn the nursery rhyme ' Five Little Ducks'. For fun - Can you sing it in a whispering voice? Can you sing it in a loud voice? Can you sing it in a squeaky voice?
- Read a Christmas Story with an adult. Can you talk about the setting? Where did they go/live? What did you see?
- Talk about - What Christmas traditions do you have what makes Christmas special for you family?
- Acitivity ideas and websites:
PhonicsPlay (phase 1 games) -
Watch the nursery rhyme online:
Reading -
Visit the world with Barnaby Bear!
Various games -
Learning at Home (Remote Learning)
Read to your child daily
Choose a story to read with an adult (this can be an online book) and discuss:
- What was your favourite part of the story, and why?
- Who was your favourite character?
- What was the problem? -How did they solve it?
During the story you could ask them to make predictions of what will happen next.
- Mark making - make a range of marks. Make suggestions to vary the marks they make i.e. can you draw your favourite animal? Can you copy the first letter in your name?
Sing and learn some nursery rhymes - This weeks nursery rhyme is: The Dingle Dangle Scarecrow.
Play a maths game on Topmarks (Early Years) -
Play a phonics game on PhonicsPlay (Phase 1) -
Try this weeks homework:
Look at a nativity scene and explore the Christmas Story at home using books or the internet. There are some great nativity stories on YouTube.
Explain that Christians believe Jesus, the son of god, was born in a stable and that his birthday is celebrated on Christmas Day.
If you do not celebrate Christmas in your family talk about other celebrations and why you celebrate with them, as well as discussing what Christians believe to establish we are all different.