Other Subjects
Out of the Ark - Music
Please find on the link below, the websites 5 most popular songs, which we use in singing assemblies. They have added Makaton to the songs. Learn the songs and the sign-language to accompany it and send it into the Year 2 email.
Creative Arts for the half term
Please use the activities below as additional activities to complete if you wish to.
Friday 12th February 2021 - PSHE and PE
Complete the warm up and then complete the Thor workout.
Wednesday 10th February 2021 - Science and Creative Arts
Choose a new creative activity or start a new one.
Tuesday 9th February 2021 - PSHE and PE
Complete the warm up and then complete the Wonder Woman workout.
Friday 5th February 2021 - PSHE and PE
PE - Complete the warm up and then complete the Obi-Wan workout.
Wednesday 3rd February 2021 - Science and Creative Arts
Choose a new creative activity or continue with a previous creative project.
Tuesday 2nd February 2021 - PSHE and PE
PE - please complete the warm-up and the Batman workout
Friday 29th January 2021 - PSHE and PE
PE - Cosmic yoga - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02E1468SdHg
Wednesday 27th January 2021 - Science and Art
Choose any creative art activity or continue with your project you started last week.
Complete your own Disney workout - please use the link below.
What is the internet? - BBC Bitesize - Please use this link for PSHE
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9Q6FKF12Qs&list=PL8snGkhBF7ngiFwW6-b9aV5eCgY0FAAB4 - Please use this link for PE
PE - Cosmic yoga
Choose one activity from the creative arts document. This can be completed over a number of weeks or in one session.
PE - Star Wars workout
Wednesday 13th January 2021 - Science and Art
Art - Create your perfect day on a piece of paper, you can draw, collage or paint a picture.
Monday: PSHE and PE
Choose a PE activity to keep physically active at home:
Use the following link to play games, inspired by your favourite Disney and Pixar characters, that will get you moving and count towards your daily exercise:
Choose a Yoga or mindfulness activity by following the link below.
Head over to our Picture News page for a talk and note activity based on a current news feature:
Watch this virtual assembly about a current news feature and interact with the questions/activities: