Work for week beginning 11.05.20
This would have been SATs week, which may leave you feeling relieved, disappointed or somewhere in between, but it is a good time to remind yourself how hard you worked this school year and how far you have come. We are proud of you!
Silly SATs activities, these are meant in good humour and a bit of fun, on what would have been an intense week. The idea is to correct my grammar mistakes, complete the reading 'challenges' and to read the spelling script to a member of your household and test thier spelling knowledge (even more difficult with made up words!).
This week's English challenge is to create a piece on WW2.
It can be a full written piece, a non-chronological report or anything that has a good amount of writing. Following the VE celebrations, it feels sensible to continue to understand the importance of Victory in Europe Day.
Oak academy has written work on WW2 in their English section for this coming week and there are bits of information on the Foundation section, which shows how and why the World War started and then the events during the War.
I will also attached some weblinks below, to give you more information. Have fun with the project through the week and let me know what you've produced, we'd love to see some examples, take a picture and email it to us, if possible.
Recommended timeline for written piece:
Monday and Tuesday- research WW2 and the elements which interest you most.
Wednesday- Decide which genre you are going to complete your writing in. Research good examples and the features you need to read.
Thursday- Write your piece and edit for Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar errors.
Friday- Publish. Write it up with correct, include pictures and diagrams and then share it with either someone at home or your teachers.