Congratulations & Thank you.
And now, we come to the end of our journey together:
We want to start off by saying congratulations. Not only have you made it to the end of a school year, you have faced the toughest challenges seen for a generation. Take a moment as students, and as a parents, to give yourself a well-earned pat on the back. This is our way of saying: we see you, we see all that you have done and we appreciate and thank you for it.
Whatever the future might hold, we must take time to celebrate all that you have achieved across the year. Whether this is: writing subordinate clauses, achieving a new level on times tables Olympics or times tables rock stars, performing in the Bee Musical, learning to peel a potato, baking cakes, making a cup of tea, planting a range of seeds, learning to tie your shoe laces, taking time to look after your mental and physical health, being a wonderful friend or supporting others, all these achievements must be recognised and applauded. We couldn't be more proud of how you have grown, the resilience you've shown in these uncertain times and the kindness you have demonstrated. We appreciate you all and we are so sad to see you leave year four.
As you journey into year five, with the familiar face of Miss Stewart to guide and support you, we know that you will continue to thrive, flourish and grow, not only in your education, but also in who you are human beings. Whilst we are sad to see you leave year four, and I, Miss Huggins, feel robbed of the time, opportunity and privilege of being your year four teacher, we wish you all the luck in the world, with whatever you do next.
To you as parents, we also extend our thanks. Your efforts to support your child’s education, whether academic or education about life, has been appreciated and will be invaluable in their development and growth, both academically and in the future lives. We want to say that we recognise all your efforts and thank you for it, especially as it has not always been the easiest of challenges!
Going forward, if you are uncertain of what to do or how best to prepare for entering year five, we recommend focusing on the basics: times tables, spelling and reading. These skills will help prepare you for the challenges of returning, fingers crossed, to school and to keep your minds ticking over.
Congratulations, well done and thank you for your efforts, as both pupils and parents. Take time, over the summer, to look after yourselves as human beings. Goodness knows you've earned it.
Take care and we look forward to seeing you very soon.
The year four team.
(Miss Huggins, Miss Stewart, Mrs Richards, Miss Semple, Miss Ummanel and Mrs Walden)