Week beginning 20/04/2020
Week beginning 27.04.2020
Factors and multiples
Week beginning 04/05/2020
Week beginning 11/05/2020
Week beginning 18/05/2020
Week beginning 1/6/2020
Measure and order angles-
This activity pag has three different levels of difficulty. Page 1and 2 mild, pages 4 and 5 are medium and page 7 and 8 are hot!!!!
Choose your heat and off you go
Week beginning 8/6/2020
Week beginning 15/06/2020
Week beginning 22/06/2020
Week beginning 29/06/2020
Week beginning 6/7/2020
Week beginning 13/07/2020
We have not covered percentage as yet in year 5, so please don't be to worried about those questions. You can skip over them.
You can use this formula to help you, if you wish to give it a go.
(Number)÷ 100 x percent.
For example.
15% of 30 =
30 ÷ 100 x 15 = Answer