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Cherry Tree Primary School

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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

Our spelling superstars this week are...

Shreyansh, Michael, Savannah, Lauriana, Erin, Hayden, Andrew, Younus, Annie and Shreyansh!

Well done for scoring full marks on your spelling test!


Our number bonds superstars this week are...

Savannah and Grace!

Well done for scoring full marks on your number bond test!


Our seasons project winners are...

Summer and Hayden!

Thank you to everyone who entered - there were some great projects and we were thrilled to see how much effort the children put into them. A special mention goes to Andrew, Charlie, Aaron, Erin, Morgana, Grace, Savannah, Rhys S and Sienna who were all close contenders for the prize!



This half term the creative challenge is to make a seaside project. This can be any seaside focus, in any format e.g. structure, picture, model etc. We are looking forward to seeing what you come up with!


Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your Teacher know!
Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.

Learning Together

Please see below for our weekly learning together sheets. These sheets give you some handy tips and information to support your child's learning at home.


Please see below for the weekly homework. This includes a phonics focus, maths activities, spelling lists, information about what is happening in the classroom and other suggested activities.

KS1 Science Workshop

Church visit

Pirate boats

Still image for this video
We made pirate boats out of a range of materials including straws, lollipop sticks, bubble wrap and foil. We then tested our boats by putting 'pirate treasure' inside! They had to hold 40 coins!

World Book Day!

We have been exploring pitch in class. We first practised using our voices, then used instruments to change the pitch. We had to decide if the pitch was getting higher or lower.

Shared reading with Year 3 Green

We held a story event and got to come back to school in our pyjamas! We read lots of different books, drank hot chocolate and had a cookie. It was lots of fun!

Year 1 have been experimenting using different equipment to melt ice. They discovered that using heat will melt the ice quickly.

Chinese dragon making!

We found sabre-tooth tiger footprints in the playground. We went searching for the tiger and have begun to write instructions on how to capture one!

We carried out an experiment to see which material would keep hot water the warmest. We then used our results to design a waterproof tent to take to the Antarctic. We had to make sure it would keep an explorer warm and dry!

We created the houses from the story of 'The Three Little Pigs'. We discussed the materials they were made from and their properties, then got the 'big, bad wolf' to blow them down!

This week we have been learning about instructions. We made jam sandwiches and had to give our partners careful instructions to help them!