Year 1
**NEW** History week - w/b 29.06.2020
Use the powerpoint presentation below to learn all about Sir Francis Drake. Create a wanted poster using the facts you have learnt.
If you need any support or questions answered about your child's home learning then please email using the email address below and we will be able to guide you, where possible, and offer advice. We are happy to help.
If you cannot print any of the resources that we put up then please do not worry. Download them if you can and then make your own sheet on your own piece of paper, or try the activity in a different way, perhaps using practical items/resources. We do not mind how the learning is completed or if the sheet looks different to the ones provided. If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to email us.
Also, please send us pictures of what you have been up to and learning about.
Miss Butten and Miss Lloyd
BBC Resource
From Monday 20th April the BBC are releasing videos and daily lessons to support your child's learning at home. It is called 'BBC Bitesize Daily'. There will be daily programmes on here to help guide you and your children through learning daily and famous celebrities will provide activities to support your child's learning along the way.
Please use the English and Maths videos to support your child at home. The videos guide the children through the learning. There is a Maths and English video each day, but these can be used as and when and in addition to the learning that is set below.
Please go to the Maths and English stars below to find links to a variety of videos from the BBC Bitesize Daily website that will support your child.
**NEW** National School Sports Week - 22.06.2020 - 26.06.2020
This week it is National School Sports Week, please follow the link below to find various activities to access throughout the week.
**NEW** This Is PE
Follow the link to find short two-minute videos which are being posted. They show parent free, fun and easy to follow PE activities for the whole family to enjoy together. There are many activities already available, but new videos are posted on YouTube at 1pm on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. All of the videos use things that you can usually find around the home and have ideas at the end for how to simplify the activity or make it more challenging. Let's get moving!
**NEW** Film Competition 2020
Please follow the link below if you would like to enter this film competition for any aspiring film makers. The deadline is the 22nd June. Please click on the group category for the competition to be age appropriate. Good luck!
Follow the link above to access the interactive story of 'Do the right thing'. This PSHE unit focuses dilemmas that children may face and explores a range of consequences to develop a sense of moral value in relation to their wants and needs.
Below are the worksheets which can be downloaded but do not need to be printed as they are a guide to discussions which can be held after reading the book.
Home Learning
Please find below links to different learning resources you can access from home:
For a variety of home learning resources use -
English skills -
Times Tables Rock Stars - (your child's login details are on their home learning pack)
Splat square (Maths) -
Phonics play - UN - march20 PW - home
Watch alphablocks for phonics
Watch numberblocks for maths
YouTube - Search 'Jack Hartmann' for videos linked to maths
Resources - - this website are allowing free access to download lots of resources to support your child's learning at home. To access a one-month free membership, go to and enter the offer code UKTWINKLHELPS.
Science - The following link takes you to lots of different science activities.
Reading resources
You can sign up for free to access a range of ebooks. These are the books that your children take home to read each night so this is a really useful resource as I am sure the book sent home has been read lots of times. You can also access maths and other activities on this site -
When you are on this website - go to levels - book bands - then choose the book band level that your child is on. You will find this information on the book they took home before the school closure.
Just set up a free account to access a range of books - Audible on Amazon
Storytime Online -
Jackanory Junior -
Maths resources
As a school we follow White Rose maths. On their website they have produced videos to link to the learning for the rest of the Year maths topic. Choose Year 1 for videos and worksheets
This game is played frequently in class for number bonds to 10. The children now know their 2, 5 and 10 times table so these can be practised -
Calming activity
Please use the activities below in the picture to help your children feel calmer if they are feeling anxious or overwhelmed.
If you are looking at purchasing extra resources to support your child's learning at home then the following website has compiled a list or fantastic resources that are easily accessible via amazon.
Every morning at 9am Joe Wicks is going live and being the PE teacher of the world. He does a 30 minute kid friendly workout which the children can access. Follow the link below and it will take you to his youtube page. You might have to refresh at 9am for the video live to load.
**NEW** Projects for Summer 2
If you would like a creative project then please see the documents below. There are lots of different creative activities based on flying and polar animals. Please send a picture of anything you make to the Year 1 email.