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Cherry Tree Primary School

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The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. The last available public data is from the 2018 to 2019 academic year. It is important to note that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.

There is no data for Summer 2020 due to the suspension of statutory assessments and closure of schools to all but critical worker children as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Key Stage 2 SATS Results 2024

64% of children achieved the expected standard in English reading.

68% of children achieved the expected standard in English writing.

64% of children achieved the expected standard in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS)

51% of children achieved the expected standard in mathematics. 

47% of children achieved the expected standard in English reading, English writing and mathematics combined.

20% of children achieved the higher standard in English reading.

3% of children achieved the higher standard in English writing

25% of children achieved the higher standard in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS)

5% of children achieved the higher standard in mathematics.

The average scaled score in English reading was 104.

The average scaled score in English GPS reading was 105.

The average scaled scored in mathematics was 101.


Key Stage 2 SATS Results 2023

80% of children achieved the expected standard in English reading.

64% of children achieved the expected standard in English writing.

61% of children achieved the expected standard in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS)

47% of children achieved the expected standard in mathematics. 

46% of children achieved the expected standard in English reading, English writing and mathematics combined.

24% of children achieved the higher standard in English reading.

14% of children achieved the higher standard in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS)

14% of children achieved the higher standard in mathematics.

The average scaled score in English reading was 106.

The average scaled score in English GPS reading was 103.

The average scaled scored in mathematics was 101.



Key Stage 2 SATS Results 2022

51% of children achieved the expected standard in English reading.

58% of children achieved the expected standard in English writing.

51% of children achieved the expected standard in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS)

42% of children achieved the expected standard in mathematics. 

31% of children achieved the expected standard in English reading, English writing and mathematics combined.

12% of children achieved the higher standard in English reading.

3% of children achieved the higher standard in English writing.

10% of children achieved the higher standard in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS)

5% of children achieved the higher standard in mathematics.

2% of children achieved the higher standard in English reading, English writing and mathematics combined.

The average scaled score in English reading was 99.

The average scaled score in English GPS reading was 100.

The average scaled scored in mathematics was 98.


Key Stage 2 SATS Results 2019

79% of children achieved the expected standard in English reading.

80% of children achieved the expected standard in English writing.

73% of children achieved the expected standard in mathematics. 

70% of children achieved the expected standard in English reading, English writing and mathematics combined.

39% of children achieved the higher standard in English reading.

20% of children achieved the higher standard in English Writing.

21% of children achieved the higher standard in mathematics.

5% of children achieved the higher standard in English reading, English writing and mathematics combined.

The average scaled score in English reading was 108.

The average scaled scored in mathematics was 107.

The children's average progress in English reading was 2.1.

The children's average progress in English writing was -0.4.

The children's average progress in mathematics was -0.7.