Spelling Shed
Please log-in and practice your spellings by playing a range of spelling games.
Reading Books
Please read your reading book each day.
Monday 1st February 2022 & Tuesday 2nd February 2022 & Wednesday 3rd February 2022
This week, we are writing our own explanation text about the history of chocolate. Use the following website and information sheet (History of Chocolate) to research information. When you know a wide range of facts about chocolate, use this to write your own explanation.
Thursday 3rd February 2022 & Friday 4th February
Now that we have had practice in writing explanation texts, we are going to use all that we have learnt to create our own explanation text about Palm oil and deforestation. Read the information about palm oil called: "Palm oil information" to make notes using a mind map, then plan out your explanation text using the planning grid provided: "Cause to effect plan"