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Cherry Tree Primary School

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Use - to practise the sound cards using 'Flashcards Time Trials'.


Think about the sound /oo/ as in foot, book, good. Can you write anymore?

We are going to focus on /oo/ sound, but it is spelt 'oul'. 

Read these: could, would, should, couldn't, wouldn't, shouldn't.

Spell them and then write a sentence choosing one or two words. 


Watch the video.

Then create your own character that would come out of the inventor's machine. Draw your character. Then write sentences describing their appearance and their personality. Tell me how they would walk, talk and act. What would be their fairy tale if they had one? 

Red Miss Take



Today we will be looking at quarters again. This will challenge you as you will be looking at fractions of shape and fractions of amount. Remember one quarter is split into 4 equal groups and you only count 1 group. 

Try the challenges below, always start with challenge 1. 

Design and Technology 


Last week you created your own design for a 'Wacky Racer'. Today we are going to be learning about tools that we might want to use if we were going to create this using wood. Tools need to be used correctly, we must know how to use them and how to be safe. Today's learning is all about safety. 


Create a poster on how to use a 'Junior Hacksaw' safely. 








Story Time: JULIAN IS A MERMAID by Jessica Love

Finish the day with a book!