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Monday 24th January 2022


Look at the example of the newspaper report. Can you identify the features? After you have done this, write down the purpose of each feature. 





Tuesday 25th January 2022


Today you will be planning your newspaper article all about The Blitz. Use the template below to help you to plan.

Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th January 2022


Today you will be writing your newspaper article. You will need to imagine that you are a reporter during World War II and that you are writing this report during the time period of The Blitz. 

Use the newspaper example and checklist from Monday to help you.

Friday 28th January 2022


Today you will be editing and improving your work.

You will need to read through it each time that you are checking a different aspect. 

Remember to check spelling, punctuation, grammar and to uplevel words where possible.